Monday, March 24, 2008

just married!

I had just attended my colleague's wedding on 15th March. A lot of photos taken, this is my second time taking photos during wedding, the first time was at a training session at Traders Hotel. But this time was at a more relax pace, thanks to my colleague who wanted to have a simple wedding reception. The challenge here is simple yet memorable with near to perfect shots, haha! Had a lot of fun simply by taking photos of her putting on make up, nicely arranged wardrobe, shoes, tea ceremony, family pics, buffet, and also registration at The Moral Uplifting Society. As she is photogenic and beautiful, taking pics of her is never difficult, just the lighting part is a little bit tricky. The best part is - she was smiling most of the time! Wishing her and her husband 'xiang qing xiang ai tao lao'!

1 comment:

夜光-小欣 said...

Soo Ling, she looks so familiar, Am I know her? *Catherine here*